Doing Stupid Things: An Amazing Journey - Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Doing Stupid Things: An Amazing Journey

Doing Stupid Things: An Amazing Journey
  • Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
  • Nonfiction
  • Philosophy, Psychology, Relationship
  • 13-Oct-2024

Doing stupid things …. a nice way of getting out of the borders that define to us our … boring reality

I hear many people … complaining they have … boring lives … and when i ask some of them what is going on … trying to teach them my technique of …. analyzing… defining …. as into the end to be able to totally redefine the reality itself …. i see a weird fear … that i could not understand for years.

But later on …. I’ve realized it’s the fear of making mistakes … and all sorts of stupid things … not seeing that everything is just part of this scenario … called life … and has the meaning to reveal us … its secrets.

Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I’ve started to write my first book at 16 … but then … realizing i could not publish it … i’ve abandoned the idea of being a … writer. 20 years later … i’ve started to write again … believing i will finally succeed … but i’ve failed one more time … not getting the success i was chasing for. Another 5 years later … i’ve started one more time to write … but this time … more as a therapy. It’s what i’ve defined as … self therapy. I was analyzing and defining lots of weird ideas … that were a lot related to me … and my own soul. I totally forgot that i was chasing for success. I was simple writing my thoughts … in essays … becoming this way … maybe not a writer …. but what many define as … an essayist.